We Are Not Willing Away Summer BUT Launch of KVBA Fall/Winter Program Is Approaching!
Recreational (House) Fall/Winter Program
KVBA will be opening its Fall Recreational (House) program registration starting Sunday, August 25, 2024. Team balancing sessions will start the week of September 23, 2024. The Recreational program is for those who are looking for a fun, healthy way to “ball out” or get introduced to the game.
Age categories are as follows:
Register for: |
If birthdate is: |
And pay: |
U7 |
2018-2019 |
$165 |
U9 |
2016-2017 |
$165 |
U11 |
2014-2015 |
$165 |
U14 |
2011-2013 |
$165 |
U18 | High School Age | $165 |
Register HERE for Recreation (House) on August 25, 2024.
Competitive (Rep) Fall Program
KVBA is also soon launching its Fall/Winter Competitive program open to those who are interested in a higher level of commitment and competition. Spots are limited and filled by way of an assessment process. Assessment timeframes will be begin mid-September 2024 (more information to follow).
Register HERE for Competitive.
Community Corner
P.O. Box 4524
Rothesay, N.B.
E2E 5X2